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I Video di Domenico Fucigna


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Sanguis Vitalis: our daily blood

FrecciaSanguis Vitalis: our daily blood
FrecciaTV, programmes to plasma
FrecciaMixed blood.
FrecciaB(L)oody Art: blood between art and provocation
FrecciaPaint it blood! Pete Doherty & revival punk

Blood, the primary lifeline of existence, has assumed, in recent times, many symbolic meanings, in relation to its effective uses, from means of purification to that of sacrifice and of regenerative vitality, even sometimes being considered the only remedy against incurable illnesses.
The theme of blood is absolutely current, it's enough to think of the news regarding the Trevi fountain a few months ago, or the bloody hands of people protesting against Condoleezza Rice, as evidence of the extremely strong and evocative character of this element, a means to upset the conscience in a concrete manner.

We can read different meanings into these episodes, all of which have a sense of the precariousness of today's society, in the continuous research of a lost identity. We can easily see how the most auto-destructive and grotesque components of blood have been lost, which blood symbolised even in recent epochs, to arrive now at acquiring an almost mystic and ritualistic value, in continuous tension with the research for a cathartic salvation and for a more intimate contact with nature and the surrounding world.

This ambivalence reigns in a strong manner, in a continuous dialectic between nihilism and salvation, where the theme of blood is always the protagonist, also for her strong distinctive role. The voyeuristic component is important, blood is a forceful element, which always obtains the more morbid attentions of spectators.

The naturalistic and environmental component of this theme, apparently distant from a conceptual point of view, emerges more clearly from recent studies that the CSRIO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) have recently published, following the research in which they discovered and published a precise map in which the oceanic currents of the Pacific meet those of the Indian ocean, creating therefore a circulatory movement, called fluxes, all in all similar to the animal organism.

An extraordinary discovery from an environmental point of view, considering its consequences, but also from a symbolic point of view, with the distance between man and nature shortening, in the middle of a holistic dimension.

Naturally also contemporary art lines out the component of blood according to its own rules and with different formal solutions, representing it in various forms, giving it always more new connotations and values.
From painting to photography, passing through installation and authentic performance art with strong and provocative lines, blood is an iconography so vast that the entire showbiz world draws on it, from TV, to cinema, from music to advertising campaigns.