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The TRENDBOOK 2014 / 2015 is available

TEA Trends Explorers Associated provides the public with a Report of the Trends Scenario. All the ingredients of tomorrow, organized into a manual for ‘Futurnauts’.
The result of through multidisciplinary research, essential in predicting market trends in the coming years.

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TEA 2014_2015: Futurephilia

TEA Trends Explorers is a research firm forecasting market trends.
The goal of TEA Trends is to identify and describe cultural orientations, feelings emerging in the population and to predict the impact they will have on the choices of the population, on consumer behavior and, consequently, on companies and the market.

The area of investigation is in production in sectors with a high communication content: from TV to the web, from fashion to design, from consumer electronics to food, publishing to music.

We distinguish 10 emerging Trends, wich we have represented in as many homogeneous themes from the point of view of aesthetic and narrative.

The Trend can be seen as a cluster, a particular coherent configuration of visual, humanistic, distinct and immediately recognisable values.
Each Trend is identify through a general description and a repertoire of references, products, images, colours, graphics: these represent an allocation of real tools of interpretation and implementation, to recognize emergent phenomena and create new products, wich involve the latent needs of the population.

The New TEA Trend Book 2014_2015 Futurephilia is now available!

The title Futurephilia indicates a new found love for the future, a new found desire to imagine, design and build a world yhat remains in the future, just as the generations of today have the legacy of the past. In this sense, the hope of wich we speak does not mean “waiting”, but rather “trust” and is closely related to work.